Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hello!! How is everyone doing? Well, I am coming off a busy week and finally had a restful weekend!! It was so nice to take not one, but two naps this weekend. I guess I was still worn out from the time change to Vegas and back! This coming Saturday, my church is hosting the Beth Moore simulcast and I am so excited! I have been reading her book and can’t wait to hear the message God has planned for us! I am praying that God will touch hearts and inspire change in all of us! I am so thankful for Beth bringing the Word and being obedient to God!

Well, I am not sure if I have written about this, but my Sunday School class is memorizing scripture. The 1st and 15th of every month, we all choose our own scripture but write them on our wall on Facebook. It’s really fun to see what verse everyone picks and sometimes it gives us ideas for our next verse. Sunday morning, we were talking about how God is in control and nothing is by chance. One of my sista’s said that God spoke to her through a verse someone posted on Facebook. So I wonder how many people God has allowed us to touch or encourage through our memory verses, without us even knowing it! It would be awesome to know, but I am glad to know that God could use me to help someone who needs it!

Ok, this post is pretty random. I normally try to have a subject or topic but there have been a lot of little things that I have wanted to talk about. I am finishing up the Beth Moore book, So Long Insecurity and chapter 17 talks about what I have been feeling for a long time, but she actually puts it in better words than I ever could! To sum it up, she says that God doesn’t say we won’t experience fear in our life, but that we can trust him to get us through them. That is so awesome because I was just thinking about this the other day. I think it was chapter 16 review question on her blog, she asked us what is our passion? That is so hard to answer! I mean, can reading really be my passion? How about sleeping, because I LOVE to do that? But really, what is my passion? I would want my passion to be something that could change lives or help someone who needs it. So I was thinking, especially because of everything I’ve been through, that maybe my passion is trying to tell people about God’s grace and peace during the worst trials of your life. He is there, you just have to reach out to him and let him calm the storm. And hopefully I relay that in this blog, that I write something that someone can relate to and help them get through something in their life. So I’ll just keep writing until God has me stop. Maybe this is my passion. : ) Hope you have a good week!

P.S. – I am participating in a local Relay for Life, so pray that everything goes well there! Thanks!

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 (NIV)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Look what the Lord has done!

Hey everyone!! How are you doing? Hopefully good! I’m getting ready for the long Easter weekend and am really excited! In less than a week, I will be headed to Vegas with my boyfriend and his family to be at his sister’s wedding. I’m really excited because I haven’t taken a real vacation (defined as a trip in a plane (not a car) for more than a weekend!!!) since college. It’s going to be really nice to just get away. And I want to thank God that I am even able to do that. He is so awesome!!

Ok, I wasn’t actually going to say this, but writing about Vegas made me think... When I tell people that I am going to Vegas, I sometimes get the gasp and don’t you know it’s Sin City?? Hopefully, Jesus doesn’t come back when you are there?!? (Ha ha, this one made me laugh) Ok, maybe there is more sin there than most cities but really, there is sin everywhere! I plan on going to a wedding, lying by the pool, eating awesome meals (that include the desserts!!! Ha ha), and seeing shows. I don’t drink and it physically pains me to gamble so I think this would be just like a normal vacation for me, it just happens to be in Vegas. I could do the same in Dallas, Orlando or Cozumel. It doesn’t matter where you are, it just matters how you act!! And hopefully if Jesus comes back when I’m there, he won’t totally overlook the whole town of Las Vegas!! Ha ha. Whew!! I think I’m done.

And now for the real post. : ) Well, the last couple of weeks have been so awesome. I feel like a lot of things have been going really good, which is great because I wasn’t sure what else I could go through. I don’t want to sound like I am complaining, because I’m not. I have just been reflecting and see everything that God has brought me through (because I definitely know it wasn’t just me!) and it’s pretty amazing. (The hymn "Look what the Lord has done" is going through my head now!! Ha ha!) I mean, actually if I want to count my whole college experience, I probably could. God REALLY got me through that! Who would’ve thunk it, that a girl who didn’t like math in high school would “grow up” (I use that term loosely) to be an engineer?? He was there with me after I graduated and couldn’t find a job. He was especially there for me after my fiancĂ© died. That was the hardest thing I have ever been through and am so thankful for my relationship with God. I know that I couldn’t have got through it without Him. I don’t want to give you the wrong impression. It was very hard to go through, I still miss Thomas, and there were times that I questioned God, but looking back I can see His finger prints everywhere and I’m sure that there will be more things come because God is so good. : )

Since then I have moved into my own house, lost my job, got a new job, and still feel God’s presence. I think that the main lesson I’m learning is that God is in control, not me. I try so hard to plan things and when they don’t happen my way I sort of freak, but I am learning God is there for me no matter what. I was talking with a friend the other day about how we thought our lives would be when we were younger. If you would’ve asked me then I would’ve told you I am NOT having kids at 30, and look where I am now, a month till my 30th birthday. It’s sort of funny. I trust God and know without a shadow of a doubt he has something awesome planned for me. I just have to be patient and wait on Him. Hope you have a great Easter weekend and remember He has risen!

“Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” Psalm 27:14 (NKJV)