Wednesday, August 4, 2010

He can use me!!!

Hey everyone!! I’m in a really somber mood right now and am just thankful for God’s peace. It’s so hard to stay peaceful in times of trials, but anytime your mind starts with the “what-if’s” you can definitely call on God to calm you through the storm. He is there and he is waiting on you. I am SOOOO thankful for that!

I just recently finished my bible study over Ruth (by Kelly Minter) and it was really great!! There was so much I related to, from both Ruth and Naomi’s stand point. It was really neat during the last week to see the genealogy that God crafted using the most unlikely characters. It’s amazing that He uses anyone, and that gives me hope!! Haha. It also talked about leaving legacy, which is something that is important to me. You never know how God is going to use you. I mean, take Ruth for example. If you would’ve told her that she was going to be the great-great-great-great-whatever grandmother of our savior as she traveled with Naomi back to Bethlehem, she probably would’ve scoffed at you. I know I would have! But look how God provided for her in her time of trials. So much more than she could’ve hoped for!! (Read the book of Ruth, it's only 4 chapters, but it's a great and inspiring story!!) And that is God’s plan for us too. To provide more than we could ever hope for, we just have to trust in Him that He knows what He’s doing. It’s so hard in the midst of it all, but it is well worth it. Hope you have a great week!!

“However it is written: no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has done for those who love him.” 1 Corin 2:9


  1. For some reason, if I am using Google Chrome, it will let me comment on blogs, but not if I'm using Firefox - not cool!!
    However, yay. love this post to the max and love YOU!
    I'm finishing up on Ruth. Let's skype soon.

  2. Google just wants you to use their stuff!! Haha. Thank you for your comment & love you too!! I think you'll really like the last week of the study, I did! I'll have to figure this skype thing out! Haha.
