Monday, September 28, 2009

God is here!

Hey, I was totally going to go in another "less serious" direction this time but I can't miss this opportunity to share how God showed me He is with me!! Since my last post the man who shot my fiance plead guilty and I had mixed feelings about the situation. My heart knew that I should forgive him, and that is what I want to do, but my head feels differently. My situation is going to need constant prayer to keep me from feeling resentment and hurt but God is here!!

The morning of our court date I attended my new bible study. The main topic I got for this week (and it really applied to my situation) was about meanness. It is a virus that we can spread to one another. I don't want to spread meanness to others so I choose to focus on the good. It is a choice and it's not an easy one.

The second thing God brought to my attention was through a blog I regularly read. The topic was forgiveness. She talked about how holding on to something is a waste of energy and how it will eat you alive. She also said to give it all to God and He will deal with it. "Every time you're tempted to pick it back up again, thank him out loud that He's busy handling it and that, once the battle is won in the heavenlies, you'll see it evidenced on Earth." How awesome is that??

God knew that I needed extra assurance. I can't get through this battle without him! Please keep me in your prayers that I continually choose good!!

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Phil 4:13

1 comment:

  1. I did not know the guy pleaded guilty. I am praying for you for forgiveness even though it may be the hardest thing you ever do. I do believe that forgiving is healthy and will help healing.
