Thursday, December 23, 2010
Establish my plans
Well, now that you know about the "Big News", I'm sure you can imagine what preparations lie ahead and what doesn't help is that I want the wedding before April 29th. Well, it's sort of a long story but I'll try to keep it short. Last year, at Relay for Life, people cut their hair and donated it to an organization to make wigs for cancer patients. I have donated my hair once before and just feel it's a worthy cause. Since Relay (last April), I have been growing my hair out (it is so looonng!!!) so I can donate it this year at Relay on April 29th. Cue December proposal and me not wanting to have short hair for my wedding... (Every girl wants long hair for their wedding!!) So, I just figured I would have the wedding before Relay, that can't be too bad right??
A few days after the proposal, I started looking online at wedding stuff and registered for Little did I know they would have a countdown till my wedding AND the number of tasks I have to complete. Since I didn't know the date yet, I just put in a random Saturday and saw that it was only 135 days left and 165 tasks not completed. Well, that sent me into OCD overload and I think I almost had a panic attack right in front of my computer!! I immediately emailed Corey and asked him if he thought I was crazy! 135 days!! He tried reassuring me, telling me that we can do it and he would do everything he could to help me, which helped a little bit but I was still stressed. (BTW Corey has been so helpful with the plans! I'm so lucky!)
The next day (or at least I think it was the next day), I was looking for a memory verse that I was 8 days late on (1st and 15th Memory Verses!!)!! I looked through the verses I jot down and the 4th verse I read was meant just for me..."Commit to the Lord in whatever you do and He will establish your plans." Pro 16:3. Wow! That is exactly what I needed. A reminder that when I give it to God, He handles it in his time and his ways. I have felt so much better since then. It's so awesome when God shows you something like that, like in your face, where you can't deny it or question it. I trust Him that everything will work out ok in the end. I'm sure there will be some "bumps" in the plans but we will get through them. We can get through anything with God. So please keep us in your prayers, I'm sure we will definitely need them! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
"Commit to the Lord in whatever you do and He will establish your plans." Prov 16:3 (NIV)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Extra! Extra! Read all about it....
Well, some of you may know...I have some really big news!! REALLY BIG!!! My boyfriend FINALLY proposed!! I say finally because we have been talking about it for a couple of months and I have been waiting, and you think I wouldn't have been too surprised. Nope, I cried like a baby!! It's really funny how it happened, so I'll tell you the story...
Every year, my family takes a trip to Canton, TX. If you don't know what Canton is, it is a huge flea market, acres and acres of stuff just waiting to be sold. This year, Corey decided to come to hang out with my family and to see what Canton really is. (It's hard to explain Canton, you just have to see it for yourself!!) So we loaded up my car and headed out Friday after work. It's about a 4 hour drive from where we live so we had alot of time to chat and jam out with my iPod. About half way there, we stopped to switch seats (I drove the 1st half) and so I could use the restroom. So, as you faithful readers may know, Pam (my iPad) is always with me. She was actually our navigator on this trip! Well, Corey knows that I constantly have Pam with me so he put my engagement ring in the side pocket of her case, expecting me to find it as soon as we restarted our trip. Well, let’s just say that the ring must’ve fallen to the bottom of the case because I didn’t find it all weekend!!!!!!! Corey checked the pocket every morning and night, just to make sure I didn’t lose it! And this might have you thinking I didn’t really use Pam that much, but I did!! Every night I would check the news on the internet and read my book on my kindle app. So yes, I had the ring the WHOLE TIME and never found it!!
On to the second part of the story, we went out Sunday morning to catch a couple of shops we missed the day before and I found a porcelain hand (the one that holds rings) that I wanted. I’ve been looking for something to hold my necklaces and bracelets since they just sit on my dresser! When I got home, Corey started helping me unpack and he put the hand on my dresser. I just kept unpacking, oblivious to what was about to happen. Corey got the ring from Pam’s case and put it on “the hand”. When I heard it clink, I was confused (imagine that!) and it didn’t even cross my mind he was proposing! When I finally realized what was going on, I just started crying. Corey said my face was priceless and when he asked me to marry him and all I could do was shake my head yes! Haha. It all happened so fast and it was really sweet. He did a great job, even though I foiled his plans more than once without knowing it!! Can you imagine the stress he was under all weekend, waiting for me to find the ring!?! I couldn’t have kept my cool if the roles were reversed! It’s definitely a funny story to tell…and I’m sure you are all wondering what “the hand” looked like. Well, wonder no more…
"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Cor 15:57
Friday, December 10, 2010
Things I'm Thankful For...
Well, bloggy friends, I have so much to be thankful for and it really helps to look back and realize what you have. You can always focus on the negative but why do that when it always brings you down?? I have done my fair share of focusing on the negative (sometimes it's so easy to do!!) but I have realized that being thankful and calling on God, I can get through many of my sour times. It may not happen instantly, but I can see a change and I feel like it works for me.
So, here are a few things that I am soooooooooooooo thankful for....
1) I have to put God first. He is the reason I am where I am today, and I couldn't do anything without him! Thanks for being my rock!
2) Corey is number 2, because he is the sweetest, most caring person I know. I am so glad I met him and I have to thank #1 for that!!! : )
3) My WHOLE family. Yes, they are crazy and sometimes I wonder how I am related (I'm sure they do too) but I am really glad that they are my family.
4) My friends are so great! I am really glad to have them in my life. It's so funny how God brings people in your life, especially when you need them. He does it in different ways, and half the time we don't even realize what he is doing. It's so amazing to witness it!
5) My Church family is so important to me. They are like my second family and I'm so thankful that we have grown up together (from the small sanctuary with the orange carpet...anyone???) It has been a very bumpy but God glorifying ride, but I'm glad that we continue to strive to get closer to God. We always need to keep him first.
6) I'm just so thankful for where my life is right now. It definitely has it's up and downs still, but I feel like the good times are outweighing the bad. I believe that God has a purpose and a plan for me and I trust that He knows exactly what he is doing. I can't express how grateful I am!!
7) I just have to throw this in here...I'm thankful for Apple products. My iPad is the coolest thing I have ever had, except for my iPod Touch and my MacBook....Oh, and I guess I'm thankful for all those years in college (I wasn't too thankful at the time) so I can afford everything Apple comes out with. I don't think it's an addiction until I acknowledge it, right!?!?
God is so good and I am thankful that He has been with me through it all and I can say that I made it here today because of Him. Let God handle all your worries and cares. He loves you and will hold your head up high. Thanks and hope you have a good weekend!!!
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thes 5:18
Friday, October 8, 2010
Busy, busy bee
I have to admit, I have been in somewhat of a slump lately. There have been a couple of things come up that have brought my joy down. And if we really want to get technical, the way I have acted has also brought me down too. I have really been trying to have peace and patience in two different situations and it's just not happening. Ok, without getting into too many details, one situation is getting a little better and the other, I just get so annoyed so easily. It's a constant struggle. And what makes it worse is that I know I shouldn't act that way, but I don't realize it till after the fact. But I do know that God is intentionally working on me because the other day I was catching up on an old Sunday School lesson and it was about exactly what I am going through, especially that day!! So I know the end result will be awesome, it's just that in the midst of the trial it's hard. So, if you think about me, please lift me up that God will continue to strengthen me and give me the peace and patience to make it through. God knows I could use the help!! : ) Thanks and hope you have a great weekend!!
"Better is a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city!"
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
God Ordained Collisions!
I recently told you about a bible study I was doing over Ruth (by Kelly Minter). It was a great bible study and had so many topics that I would love to discuss but one keeps resonating in my mind. I can’t remember what week but the homework talked about “God ordained collisions” and it has got me thinking (which could be scary…). I have had so many collisions in my life that I know could only be God ordained. I wish I could easily sum them all up and let you see how good God can be, but we definitely don’t have time for that and I know I couldn’t remember them all. (I also wish that I would’ve had a journal or something to document all the small things that I know God did for me, that would be really neat.) So I will just pick a couple to share and hope that you can see that they are definitely God Ordained Collisions…
A few months ago, I participated in the So Long Insecurity blog on Beth Moore’s website. Women from all over the world were participating as well, but I was drawn to two women who I had no idea would become really great friends. (Yo April & Beth!!) We started commenting on each others’ blogs and then emailing which lead to us doing the summer bible study online together. It was really interesting doing the study online since I have never done one before, but even though we were many miles apart, we still provided encouragement and insight on some problems that we had in common. While trying to become more secure, I found two friends who I know God brought to me.
Another collision happened recently, but I will give you a little back story. I attended a women’s bible study last summer while I was unemployed. There was an older lady there who lost her husband a few months before and my heart just went out to her. She was obviously having a hard time dealing with it. Being the emotional-phobe that I am, I sent her a card telling her that God has a plan for her and he is definitely watching over her (since I was too scared to do it in person!!). The next time I saw her, she thanked me because that week she really needed the encouragement. So every now and then I would call or send her a card, just to let her know I cared. Well, last month I lost most of my contacts in my phone, including hers. I tried contacting someone who would know her information, but couldn’t find anyone. A week later, (in an old notepad I randomly found in my car) I found her address. I don’t know how she has been doing, but I just feel like God wanted me to send her an encouraging note. We all need those every now and then. And he brought me the means to be able to do it again.
I think I have said it before, but I truly feel like God uses us as angels on earth. It doesn’t have to be anything huge, but just letting someone know we care can mean the world to them. It also shows them God’s love, and isn’t that the most important thing?? I’m not telling you this to get credit or a pat on the back, I just want to maybe encourage you to listen for the opportunities to bless someone. It really does make a difference. Hope you have a great week.
“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and encouragement of the scriptures, we might have hope.” Rom 15:4
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
He can use me!!!
I just recently finished my bible study over Ruth (by Kelly Minter) and it was really great!! There was so much I related to, from both Ruth and Naomi’s stand point. It was really neat during the last week to see the genealogy that God crafted using the most unlikely characters. It’s amazing that He uses anyone, and that gives me hope!! Haha. It also talked about leaving legacy, which is something that is important to me. You never know how God is going to use you. I mean, take Ruth for example. If you would’ve told her that she was going to be the great-great-great-great-whatever grandmother of our savior as she traveled with Naomi back to Bethlehem, she probably would’ve scoffed at you. I know I would have! But look how God provided for her in her time of trials. So much more than she could’ve hoped for!! (Read the book of Ruth, it's only 4 chapters, but it's a great and inspiring story!!) And that is God’s plan for us too. To provide more than we could ever hope for, we just have to trust in Him that He knows what He’s doing. It’s so hard in the midst of it all, but it is well worth it. Hope you have a great week!!
“However it is written: no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has done for those who love him.” 1 Corin 2:9
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Yes, I hear you! : )
Well, like I said earlier, I have so much to talk about and hopefully I don’t ramble and it makes sense to you. God has been showing me so many things lately and I feel like it is all due to the fact that I have been purposefully spending more time with him! It’s not always easy to set time aside, but it’s so much fun when He shows you things that make you realize He is greater than I even imagined!! (Ok, I’ve already tried writing this twice because I feel like it won’t make sense. This is the faint glimmer of the overachiever side that I used to be!! Haha.) Alright, here we go….It starts with a scripture (Isaiah 43:18-19) that I wrote in my “verses to remember” notepad a few months ago. I revisited it Friday during my bible study lesson and thought it would be a good one to memorize. Sunday, during my Sunday school class, we talked about the Proverbs 31 woman, who is pretty intimidating but should remind us of what we should strive for, with God’s help, of course!! : ) Just stick with me...
So, that brings me to Monday, and the day I posted my memory scripture on facebook. A friend asked me if I followed Proverbs31 ministries ( because that was the scripture for the day in their daily devotions! How ironic, right?? After reading the message I knew a friend could use the same message so I sent it to her. Then, (yes, it keeps going!) as I started my summer bible study, it discussed the Proverbs 31 woman too! Could this all possibly be a coincidence?? Doubtful. It’s obviously God trying to tell me something or tell me something so I could tell a friend! Oh, and there is another “coincidence” that God brought to my attention for another friend last night! It’s more personal, but it definitely left me speechless!
I feel like what he is telling me is that nothing is a coincidence and that there are some areas I could work on to be more compassionate to others. (Oh, and I am so glad that I actually heard Him!!! Woo hoo! I always worry I don't listen enough!) I really like doing things for other people, it’s just that I haven’t done that much lately because I have been so “busy.” I need to focus on what’s important and remember it may not be a big deal to me, but it may be a huge deal to someone else. God is really working on me in this season in my life and I am really thankful for all He’s showing me! It feels so awesome when He feels near. Oh, and one more thing, I promise!! I saw a church sign yesterday that cracked me up… “Shine, don’t whine!” How awesome is that?!? Hope you have a great week!
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Streams in the Wasteland
The last two posts I’ve written have been dealing with hope. In a short summary so you don’t have to read them, I feel that I have held back from God in the area of my hopes because of fears that I have absolutely no control over! I was scared to hope because I didn’t want anyone I love to be taken away from me, because I wasn’t sure there was someone out there for me, because I didn’t want to put myself out there to be hurt again…and the list goes on, especially because I’m a worry wart!! But over the last month or so, God has brought to my attention that I need to hope and I need to trust Him with my hopes. It’s not something that came to me one day, God gave me a couple of verses about hope and then I read a few articles/blogs over the past month, that have drove the issue home for me. This is so hard to explain, and I hope I do a good job but God wants me to hope and it’s even silly for me to act like He didn’t know my hopes and dreams in the first place. And here’s where I know God is still trying to help me to understand.
For the last 3-4 weeks, I have been doing a bible study with some new friends I have met online. (Hey April & Beth!!) It is an in depth study of Ruth and so far it hasn’t disappointed. We’ve been dealing with loss, perseverance, standing strong in adversity and this week it’s been kindness. As I finished session 3, I read the introduction to session 4 and it knocked my socks off!! (Oh, BTW in case you’re wondering the bible study is Ruth: Loss, Love & Legacy by Kelly Minter!) This week is titled: the Proposal and she talked about all the hard decisions that Ruth has had to make, even if they weren’t easy, which I can totally relate. But as she wraps the introduction up, she tells us about a discussion her and her friends were having about being single. She asked a friend if she thought she would ever get married and her friend replied “I don’t let myself go there”. (p.92) It was as if she had asked me. For so long, I didn’t let myself go there when I should have. Who was I kidding?? Like God didn’t have it in his hands the whole time!! He was just waiting for me to learn, grow and realize that I have to trust Him for every little thing! Why are we so hard headed, and feel we can do these things on our own?? We can’t! We just need to remember, He’s making a new way! Hope you have a great week!!
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wastelands.” Isa 43:18-19
Friday, June 25, 2010
Some day my Prince will come.....
Ok, we (me and the boyfriend) have a busy weekend ahead of us. We’re going to an out of town wedding and Thursday was the only “free” day I had. I really wanted to go swimming in his pool but since it is a lovely shade of green and he wanted to add the chemicals to clear it up, I didn’t get to swim. What a sacrifice! Haha. So I settled for dinner at one of my favorite places….Waffle House! And before you knock it, you really should try the Texas Bacon Chicken Cheese Melt!! It is heavenly and soooooooo healthy!! Haha. After dinner we stopped by Bed, Bath and Beyond to get a gift for the soon to be wedded couple. (This is a side note…while I was there, I saw something called Booty Pop. I can't help but add the picture because this is hilarious!!! Please don't let it take away from the boyfriends sweet moments!! I can't quit laughing when I see that! Whew!)
THEN, (I know, he must’ve been in a super sweet mood yesterday) I had to paint my toenails for the wedding since I didn’t have time to go get a pedicure. I was just going to do it while we watched a movie. When I finally sat down to watch the movie, the boyfriend volunteered to paint my nails. Even though the fan was on too high and the polish dried sort of clumpy, it still melted my heart that he would even think to do that for me.
Maybe this is TMI for some people, but I am truly grateful that God has brought him into my life. He is exactly what I needed. Being single was a really big trial for me, especially thinking there may not be someone out there for me but God knows. Whether this relationship lasts a season or a lifetime, I am trusting God that he will provide that special person for me. And boy will he have to be special!!! : ) Hope you have a great weekend!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hey! Ok, I have something really big to be thankful for!! Two weeks ago, (yes, I know…it’s taken me a long time to write…I’ll try to do better!!) the bf was involved in a car wreck. It wasn’t his fault and there was a lot of drama that ensued afterward, but he is ok! It’s a long story but after he initially called to tell me he was in a wreck, I didn’t hear from him for over an hour. I tried texting him because I wasn’t sure if he was busy, with no reply. So of course, I started panicking, and all these crazy scenarios ran through my head. So I prayed that God would let me know he’s alright. Well, 5 minutes later he called from a friends’ phone and said his phone died but that everything was ok. It’s the everyday things that we need to be thankful for and realize in the moment that it wasn’t a coincidence that our prayers were answered, it was God! So thank you God, for keeping him safe and that everything worked out the way it should!
June is obviously the month for weddings!! We have 3 weddings this month! So pretty much every weekend, we are busy. Well, with all this wedding hoopla, I have been getting the questions. Questions that every single couple gets…when are you getting married?? What kind of wedding are you having? What are you going to do at your reception?? And honestly, I have no idea!! I don’t know why, but that kind of stuff normally just escapes my mind. Don’t get me wrong, when I am at a wedding and I see something I like, I often think “I need to remember that when….” but I don’t think about it all the time. Maybe I used to (ages ago ; ) ) but in the last few years it hasn’t really been a priority. If that makes sense…
I guess it goes back to when I had my hopes and dreams pulled out from under me. Being the ridiculous planner that I am, it was so hard not to know how my future would turn out. It has taken a lot of prayer and A LOT of heartache to realize that everything is on God’s time, not mine. Just within the last year, I have come to grips with it more. Once I realized that everything that I have been through isn’t going to be for nothing and God knows what’s best for me, it has been so much easier to accept the unknown. So now, the unknown future didn’t seem that bad, but I still held back on declaring my new hopes and dreams. I’ll admit it, I was scared to have them taken away again. But God has other plans. The last few weeks, (through my scripture memorization with my sistas!!) the verses that have been catching my eye have dealt with faith and hope. (And believe me, that’s no coincidence! It’s God!!)
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
But when he asks, he is to believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the ocean, blown and tossed by the wind.
James 1:6
I feel like he is trying to tell me it’s ok to hope again. It’s ok to have faith because whatever happens He can get me through it, good or bad. I definitely want the good times (who doesn’t?!), but I know they aren’t guaranteed. Obviously God has more faith in me than I do, and when I think about it, that’s pretty awesome. So, since God has brought this to my attention, I feel like I have really begun to hope. I have brought my hopes to him, asking his blessings and favor over my hearts’ desires and I feel he has started to open my heart again. I think the process could’ve been shorter, but of course, I got in the way. Isn’t that how it always is?? Hope you have a great week!
And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Well, sometimes I try to think of topics to write about and sometimes they just click and flow. There are definitely times when I try to start writing and there is just a little flow, but not enough to write something that I can look back and feel it meant something. So hopefully, as I begin this post, there is a flow because I feel the message is important. For a few months now, (well…if I want to be honest probably years) I have been battling with my thought process. Being the over analytic person I am, I have the awesome ability to over think every situation, thought or even an imaginary action over and over again. Ok, it’s not really awesome, it’s really sad when you think about it…just don’t over think it! : ) I can take simple situations and make them into HUGE issues all by myself. Even stuff that has been long and dealt with, every so often comes back up and I find myself having that crazy internal conversation with myself! And what’s even crazier is that 99% of the time, it never happened. It’s just what I think would happen. Does that make sense??
So, after reading some articles and doing some different bible study lessons I have learned that you have to capture these thoughts. I think it’s your minds tendency to run away with your thoughts (or at least after many years my mind is trained to do that). So, I want to retrain my brain and start to capture those thoughts before they drag me down in negativity and rejoice!! Lately, I have noticed when I start down that path and I thank God for bring it to my attention. (Granted, it’s not every time but it’s more often than not.) I need to realize that I shouldn’t focus on things I don’t have, or things I should have done. I need to focus on the present, the here and now and be thankful for what God has done in my life. I just don’t understand why it’s so hard to practice that, when I know it’s what I should be doing. Not just for my happiness, but because it’s the right thing to do.
I get so down on myself sometimes for the negativity, but I think everyone goes through it and God understands. It's not something that we readily talk about, I mean, who likes to talk about their failures?? I know I don't! But God knows our hearts and hopefully we are sincerely trying to change, as hard as that may be. Hope you have a great week!
"Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. I will say it again: Rejoice!!" Phil 4:4
Friday, May 21, 2010
God Stops
As promised, this post is to reflect on things that I know for a fact that God has done for me recently!! Looking back, it’s so awesome to see where he has taken us, but we easily forget the day to day things he has done for us. That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to document this, especially in writing, is so I won’t forget the smaller things that God has done for me!
The first one that I want to point out happened during our Beth Moore simulcast at our church. We had prayed for weeks for everything to go just perfect and that morning the weather looked horrible. On my way to church, it was foggy and drizzling…just nasty. Then about 5 minutes after I got in the church (a BIG thank you God for that!!) the bottom fell out! It was raining so hard and loud! I personally was praying it would stop because I didn’t want the satellite equipment to go out!! (I was the technical contact for our church!) Well, we were busy with setting everything up that I didn’t really pay attention to the weather anymore. Then about 30 minutes before the simulcast started, I went outside and it looked like this! God is so awesome!
BTW, the simulcast was great!! There were a couple of technical difficulties but nothing we couldn’t fix. Or more appropriately, nothing that God couldn’t fix!!
About 2 years ago, I went in for my yearly physical and the doctor noticed my thyroid was enlarged. After some tests, they sent me to a specialist. They did an ultrasound and measured it. Six months later, they measured it again and it had grown so they scheduled a biopsy. Everything came back normal except that it was enlarged, most likely with fluid. They recommended removing the nodule, just because it was growing (it had no effect on my thyroid levels). For some reason I couldn’t make sense of removing something that was not causing any problems. So I didn’t do it. Well, this year at my annual thyroid exam, the nodule had shrunk! It was 1.4cm previously and now it is 1.1cm! I was excited and knew that God was watching out for me.
Well, my dad has been telling me I need to replace my tires on my car for at least a month now. But who really wants to do that?!? (Sometimes I hate being a grown-up!!) So, on Sunday he told me that he thought they were splitting so I finally planned to take my car in on Friday and get new tires (boo!). On my way home Thursday, long story short, I ran over a huge board on IH-10!! (Yes, it was unavoidable!!) When I looked at my tire, I didn’t notice anything crazy, but when my boyfriend looked at it he saw that the rim had cut my tire on the side. It sort of looked like someone had bit the tire! The damage could’ve been so much worse, to my fender or frontend of my car! Or I could’ve gotten into a wreck, but again I felt God was watching over me.
During all this tire craziness, I was thinking about how much it was going to cost for my tires. It didn’t help my dad thought they were going to cost $700 per tire!!! (which they didn’t! Thank you God!!) Not that I was seriously worrying, it was just on my mind. Then, $250 randomly showed up in my checking account. I still haven’t figured out why it’s there (calling the bank is on my to-do list : )) but personally I feel like God is watching out for me again.
There’s nothing He can’t do and nothing we can’t do, if we trust Him. I have been trying to notice God more in my everyday life, because we get so easily trapped in the negativity. The main theme that I have been focusing on is “choices”. You can choose happiness in any situation, especially when you choose God. Hope you have a great weekend!!
“Nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
Monday, May 17, 2010
Birthday Celebration!!
Well, as some of you know I celebrated my birthday last week and it was a “Big” one!!
I’m not sure how you feel about birthdays but they are pretty important to me. I normally like to have a birthday week! You may laugh, but it is just easier to get friends and family together multiple days instead of doing one party where some people may not be able to make it. Anyhoo, I actually thought about having “30 days for 30 years” but then I thought that would be too hard (and maybe a little over the top) on my boyfriend! Haha. So a week it was. I think I ate out every night last week with different groups of friends and family. It was a blast! Then the big night was Friday… that's right....80’s skating party!!
Actually, let me back up because I have to throw out some props to God. (Ha, ha…props) I feel like God actually helped plan my party! There were alot of set backs in planning this party but as it got near, God just opened doors and it turned out to be a really great party. Things like actually talking to someone at the skating rink, my boyfriend talking to them without me knowing (How sweet!!), finding the perfect outfit and on and on. He is so good and is into the details too!! Now, back to the story….
We had so much fun at the skating rink. It was so much fun to get out there and not really care what anyone thought. (Well, I really did care about falling. Not something I wanted to do!!) And what’s funny is the kids there LOVED us. Actually, my boyfriend sort of had a following. Why wouldn’t he looking as awesome as he did?!?! Ha ha! I think he had more fun than the kids!! Alot of the kids were so sweet. They would tell me happy birthday and that they liked my dress. I know for a fact if I would’ve been that age, I definitely wouldn’t have talked to any strangers especially looking like we did!! But they were super nice. One little girl actually gave me one of her own bracelets for my birthday. It just really blessed me because I wouldn’t have thought to do that, especially to a weirdo in 80’s clothes!! Ha ha. Everything turned out really great and I was so glad that my friends actually dressed up!! I was nervous my boyfriend and I would be the only ones in costume. But at least I can say I am dating a rock star!! Haha.
Stay tuned...I've started working on a post where God has really shown up. Just more credit for the things he's done in my life!! Hope you have a good week!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Long time no see!
Man, so much has gone on in the last few weeks. I haven’t had that much time to talk about them and wasn’t sure if I should or how to do it. I normally when I blog try to have some kind of message but today I just thought a summary of what I have been up to might be nice. They are going to be numbered but it’s in no particular order! I’m actually going to add pictures too, just for fun!!
1. I got to meet BETH MOORE!!!! It was insane! I felt like a little girl at a Jonas Brothers concert! Now I know how a stalker feels….only if she got to know me, I know we could be BFFs!! Haha. But seriously it was really neat to get to meet the woman who I’ve done bible studies with for years(just not in person). She was really down to earth and just too cute! But seriously, I think we could really be BFFs!!! Ha!
His nephew has leukemia and they organized the team for him, Team Awesome Dawson. We played in a bowling tournament which was so much fun! In one of our practice sessions, I bowled the best game I have ever bowled… a 145!!!!! And of course I took a picture of it! And then our team won “Most creative theme” for our 3 Men and a Lady team name! Then we did the actual Relay for Life and it was so hectic. We had to move indoors because of the weather and there were so many people who participated. And by the way, our team won “Most Spirited Team” award! I think there were 82 teams in all and the last I heard the South Jefferson Relay raised $293,000!! That is so amazing and I am so glad I was able to be a part of that! (And thanks again to all those who donated to our team!)
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12 NIV
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Well, I am not sure if I have written about this, but my Sunday School class is memorizing scripture. The 1st and 15th of every month, we all choose our own scripture but write them on our wall on Facebook. It’s really fun to see what verse everyone picks and sometimes it gives us ideas for our next verse. Sunday morning, we were talking about how God is in control and nothing is by chance. One of my sista’s said that God spoke to her through a verse someone posted on Facebook. So I wonder how many people God has allowed us to touch or encourage through our memory verses, without us even knowing it! It would be awesome to know, but I am glad to know that God could use me to help someone who needs it!
Ok, this post is pretty random. I normally try to have a subject or topic but there have been a lot of little things that I have wanted to talk about. I am finishing up the Beth Moore book, So Long Insecurity and chapter 17 talks about what I have been feeling for a long time, but she actually puts it in better words than I ever could! To sum it up, she says that God doesn’t say we won’t experience fear in our life, but that we can trust him to get us through them. That is so awesome because I was just thinking about this the other day. I think it was chapter 16 review question on her blog, she asked us what is our passion? That is so hard to answer! I mean, can reading really be my passion? How about sleeping, because I LOVE to do that? But really, what is my passion? I would want my passion to be something that could change lives or help someone who needs it. So I was thinking, especially because of everything I’ve been through, that maybe my passion is trying to tell people about God’s grace and peace during the worst trials of your life. He is there, you just have to reach out to him and let him calm the storm. And hopefully I relay that in this blog, that I write something that someone can relate to and help them get through something in their life. So I’ll just keep writing until God has me stop. Maybe this is my passion. : ) Hope you have a good week!
P.S. – I am participating in a local Relay for Life, so pray that everything goes well there! Thanks!
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 (NIV)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Look what the Lord has done!
Ok, I wasn’t actually going to say this, but writing about Vegas made me think... When I tell people that I am going to Vegas, I sometimes get the gasp and don’t you know it’s Sin City?? Hopefully, Jesus doesn’t come back when you are there?!? (Ha ha, this one made me laugh) Ok, maybe there is more sin there than most cities but really, there is sin everywhere! I plan on going to a wedding, lying by the pool, eating awesome meals (that include the desserts!!! Ha ha), and seeing shows. I don’t drink and it physically pains me to gamble so I think this would be just like a normal vacation for me, it just happens to be in Vegas. I could do the same in Dallas, Orlando or Cozumel. It doesn’t matter where you are, it just matters how you act!! And hopefully if Jesus comes back when I’m there, he won’t totally overlook the whole town of Las Vegas!! Ha ha. Whew!! I think I’m done.
And now for the real post. : ) Well, the last couple of weeks have been so awesome. I feel like a lot of things have been going really good, which is great because I wasn’t sure what else I could go through. I don’t want to sound like I am complaining, because I’m not. I have just been reflecting and see everything that God has brought me through (because I definitely know it wasn’t just me!) and it’s pretty amazing. (The hymn "Look what the Lord has done" is going through my head now!! Ha ha!) I mean, actually if I want to count my whole college experience, I probably could. God REALLY got me through that! Who would’ve thunk it, that a girl who didn’t like math in high school would “grow up” (I use that term loosely) to be an engineer?? He was there with me after I graduated and couldn’t find a job. He was especially there for me after my fiancĂ© died. That was the hardest thing I have ever been through and am so thankful for my relationship with God. I know that I couldn’t have got through it without Him. I don’t want to give you the wrong impression. It was very hard to go through, I still miss Thomas, and there were times that I questioned God, but looking back I can see His finger prints everywhere and I’m sure that there will be more things come because God is so good. : )
Since then I have moved into my own house, lost my job, got a new job, and still feel God’s presence. I think that the main lesson I’m learning is that God is in control, not me. I try so hard to plan things and when they don’t happen my way I sort of freak, but I am learning God is there for me no matter what. I was talking with a friend the other day about how we thought our lives would be when we were younger. If you would’ve asked me then I would’ve told you I am NOT having kids at 30, and look where I am now, a month till my 30th birthday. It’s sort of funny. I trust God and know without a shadow of a doubt he has something awesome planned for me. I just have to be patient and wait on Him. Hope you have a great Easter weekend and remember He has risen!
“Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” Psalm 27:14 (NKJV)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bring me joy...
Ok, I have to admit that I did something really, really stupid!! And I knew better!! As I have mentioned before, I am reading So Long Insecurity to get rid of all the extra baggage that I have willingly carried around as long as I can remember. So this comes as an even bigger disappointment! I was on Facebook the other day, which normally isn’t a problem, but I saw something on there that really shook me up! I guess maybe because I really wasn’t expecting it and it is one of my insecurities. Of course, I started with the questions… Are you kidding me? Surely, you have to be kidding me and on and on. And if you have been reading, you probably know this is a huge problem of mine. Analyzing a “problem” over and over and there really isn’t going to be a solution, working myself up until I’m all frazzled. So, I feel horrible to admit that I fell into the trap head first. And isn’t that what the devil is always trying to do?? For the last couple of weeks I have felt my cup was overflowing with joy and here he goes throwing my same old lure out there. And for a few minutes (well, actually I’m not sure how long it lasted) I took the bait. What’s sad is that I know in my head that the relationship wasn’t good for me. It wasn’t meant to be and I know that! But it still hurt.
Thankfully, (after my mini-fit) I gave it up to God asking that He cover me with his strength and dignity. I have so much to be thankful for to worry about what happened in the past. God has blessed me and is continuing to bless me so why should I focus on the negative?? It’s the past for a reason. I realize God allowed that season to happen and I can honestly say that I did grow from it, but again it is the past. I can’t say that I am totally “over it”, but God is working on me. I just have to remember in the moments before the “Are you kidding me????,” I need to call on God to help me get through it and He will. Hope you have a good weekend!
“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Filling my cup
Ok, as I write this I am really not sure what my topic is going to be about, so bear with me! Normally I have an idea of what I am going to write about but I just feel like my heart is overflowing right now and I can’t pin point it to one topic. I am reading the So Long Insecurity book by Beth Moore and participating in her book discussion online. All the ladies on there have really blessed me more than I can imagine. Some of the heartache that they have been through has broken my heart but I know God can heal all their wounds and help make them more secure women in the process. Through this blog, I have met a couple of women who I would not have met otherwise, let me rephrase that…God has brought a couple of women in my life that I would not have met otherwise. I have learned so much from them and want thank God for them. (I wanna give a shout out to April & Beth!! Thanks for being my new blogger friends!! : ) )
Don’t you just love being in the right place at the right time. I feel that is where I am with God now, like everything is just clicking together. It may be because I upped my prayer game and God is near. It may be because I have opened my heart more and saw God’s awesome hand move. I don’t know which one it is, but I love it! Really, I can’t explain this feeling other than my heart is overflowing with joy which is funny because I have been praying for God to fill my cup with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Well, it’s not funny…it’s just real. It’s so amazing when God uses you to further his plan AND you can see the outcome immediately.
This past weekend, I had a great time with a really good friend. We are discussing the So Long Insecurity book together and after our discussion Saturday I just felt so happy. I know that no one likes to talk about their insecurities, but it was awesome to be able to connect with her on another level that we normally wouldn’t discuss. It’s freeing to realize what your securities are and to be able to ask God to help you become more secure in those areas. There are definitely going to be trials, but they are there to help you grow. I read somewhere that God uses change to change us. I’m so glad you read this. It may not necessarily have a specific point, but just know that God is here. He is willing to help you whenever you need him and you can rely on his strength to get you through anything. Again, thanks for reading and hope you have a great week!!
“She is clothed in strength and dignity.” Proverbs 31:25
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Answered Prayers
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Not Your Normal Valentine's Post
Well, Valentines’ day has come and gone, just like it was another day. I don’t know if I build it up in my head or what, but it never seems to live up to the hype. I don’t want you to think I didn’t have a nice valentines’ day, because I had a great day (dinner & a movie at home!!) but maybe I over exaggerate it, making me feel like I should’ve done more… I don’t know. I think it’s just what I do. An over-thinker and an OVER-analyzer!!! This is something that I have been working on the last couple of weeks and it is going to take a lot of patience & endurance. It’s how I am wired, so I am praying that God helps me break the habit!
Probably because of Valentines’ day approaching, most of the articles or blogs that I have read have focused on love. Love is something everyone wants, no matter what anyone says. It could be love from a parent, a friend or a love interest, just the feeling of being love and accepted makes you feel good. It becomes unhealthy when you put all your hopes, wants and desires on one single person. Can you imagine the pressure it has to be on that person?? No one can take care of all of their problems (I can’t even take care of mine!), plus yours! Only God can. I have realized that this is something I do. I don’t mean to do it, I just do. I am trying to lean more on God instead of others when trouble arises, but it’s a learning process. And as I should… I’m praying for this too!! : )
Another thing we have to realize is that people are going to let us down. They can’t live up to the ideas and expectations that we have built up for them. They are human and they have faults, actually we all have them, as hard as that is to admit. : ) They don’t intentionally mean to let us down, (well hopefully they don’t!) but it’s just something that happens. I normally blow things out of proportion IN MY HEAD!! And what’s even crazier is that the person probably has no idea anything is wrong!! A classic case of over-analyzing that can only be conquered with God’s help!
So, what I really want you to know is that only God can provide us the unconditional love that we look for and he will never let us down. I read or heard somewhere this week that God is our Valentine. I have never thought of it that way, but it is so true. I am so thankful that God loves me, a weak sinner who is saved by grace. Hope you have a good week!!
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
Thursday, February 4, 2010
God's Love
I am posting the lyrics to a song that is on KSBJ (89.3-Houston). I have heard it many times before but for some reason it has just spoken to me more the last few times I have heard it. It is called "Your Hands" by JJ Heller and it has a really awesome message. Hope you like it...
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn’t there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That you would take my pain away
You would take my pain away
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crooked lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking, heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave your hands
When you walked upon the earth
You healed the broken, lost and hurt
I know you hate to see me cry
One day you will set all things right
Yeah, one day you will set all things right
When my world is shaking, heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave your hands
Your hands that shaped the world
Are holding me, They hold me still
For some reason, the part about setting all things right seemed so right. We all go through things we don't understand but God will set them right. To me, it's just amazing that God really does care that much!! It's so awesome!!
"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:39, NIV
Friday, January 22, 2010
God's Plans
As many of us know, God's plans aren't always exactly our plans. I've wrote about this before but everyones situation is different and you always have to look for your silver lining. It may not be the answer you are looking for at the time, but maybe one day you will see it.
I have been through a lot in the last couple of years, but I definitely know that everything happened for a reason. It's still a reason that I can't even begin to comprehend, but God knows. Looking back, I can see things that happened, that changed me to bring me where I am today. I know for certain that I wouldn't have as much faith as I do now, I wouldn't be able to handle all of the small/medium things in life, and I certainly wouldn't be able to share to others what God has done for me. I am still working on that...actually God is. : ) I now know that I can get through MAJOR trials in my life with God and it has shown me that I can get through anything as long as I trust Him.
I thought about this the other day... God will never give you more than you can handle and obviously He has way more faith in me than I do. : ) I feel he has put me in certain situations so I can be there for people. You never know what someone is going through, but just knowing that you are there for them and that you have been in their situation (and made it through!!) may be a huge help! Hopefully you notice areas in your life where you could be a light to others. Hope you have a good weekend!!
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God. Romans 8:28 NKJV